In previous posts we learnt the conditional conjugation of the verb. This conjugation is used primarily to form the conditional construction, the kind of construction in such English sentences as "If I were you I wouldn't do that". Tulvan construction is very similar to that of English, albeit with some few differences.
Conditional I
This is the predictive conditional, indicating that it is possible to fulfil a condition which is given in the if-clause. To introduce the if-clause Tulvan employs the particle "ti" which has to come before and after the clause. So we have;
ti tulv kwam ti kuëvud kem.
If I think, I will know.
ti ëv kem ipoilu ti kuprim kwam urëlik ikem.
If I'm logical, I will protect my mind.
Conditional II
This would be the speculative conditional, implying it is theoretically possible to fulfil a condition which is given in the if-clause. In this case we use the subjunctive coupled with the conditional tense.
ti ëvpuaki meme ukem ti kyatumil mem.
If you listened, you would learn.
This is the same that you could use in the construction "If I were you".
ti ävi kem mem ti kyasut vu kwam.
If I were you, I wouldn't do it.
More about the Conditional constructions for coming posts.